The waterproofing accelerator can set the cement quickly and the setting time can be adjusted randomly from ten seconds to several minutes and controlled by the mixing amount. The cement mortar or neat paste mixed with the product has strong cohesive force for brick and commercial concrete and can be used for leaking stoppage and anti-permeability projects on wall and ground.
I. Application method of waterproofing accelerator
1. Leak stoppage of water crack and opening: ensure to prepare waterproofing plaster. The setting time is about 40s. Press the waterproofing plaster into the crack (opening) with hands. After setting, release your hands.
2. Five-layer waterproofing plaster coat
The first layer is applied with the mortar. The ratio of cement: water: waterproofing agent is 1:0.3 ~0.35:0.01. Please apply 1mm-thick mortar once, press it for 5~6 times with plasterer’s trowel and then level up about 1mm thick with mortar. Later, dip water with brush and brush it uniformly in order. Then, apply the second layer immediately.
The mixing proportion of cement: water: sand: waterproofing agent on the second layer is 1:0.4 ~0.5:2 ~2.5:0.01. Apply about 5mm-thick the mixture uniformly and sweep into stripes with the whist broom. After 24h, please apply the third layer.
Apply 2mm-thick mortar on the third layer. The mixing proportion is the same with the first layer.
Steps for the fourth layer are the same with the second layer. Brooming is prohibited after plastering. Press it for 2~3 times with the plasterer’s trowel after it is plastered for 3~4h.
Apply 1mm-thick mortar on the fifth layer. The mixing proportion is the same with the first layer. Brush it uniformly. Later, press it for 3~4 times with the plasterer’s trowel after draught.
II. Precautions of application for waterproofing accelerator:
1. Clean the substrate for the first layer. In case of rough and even surface, please carry out treatment ahead of time to avoid bulking.
2. Each layer shall be free of obvious joint.